2月4日武漢肺炎在愛爾蘭重點綜合報導 4 Feb 2020 Coronavirus in Ireland news summary

愛爾蘭首個冠狀病毒疑似個案在聖詹姆斯醫院接受檢查, 這名男子住在都柏林南部, 最近才從中國返回
這名男子的全科醫生 GP 給醫院打了電話,他於昨天晚上入院。
Man suspected to have first case of coronavirus in Ireland being tested at St James’s Hospital
The man in his 40s, who is originally from China, had recently returned from the Asian country and is understood to be displaying the tell-tale symptoms of the killer virus.
Dublin Live has learned that the man’s GP phoned the hospital ahead after he presented at his south Dublin doctor’s surgery, and he was admitted to St James’s yesterday evening.
A source told DublinLive: “At this stage the patient is being tested. It’s important to note that it hasn’t been confirmed whether or not the patient has the virus yet.
“That won’t be known until the tests come back. All precutions are being taken.”
Details & credit https://www.dublinlive.ie/news/health/man-suspected-first-case-coronavirus-17689969
愛爾蘭外交部根據英國的新建議更新了建議, 建議愛爾蘭人離開中國, 外交部表示,對沒必要持續居留在中國的愛爾蘭人,應“在施加任何進一步限制之前,與旅行社或航空公司聯繫以找到可用離開的路線”。
Coronavirus: Government advises Irish in China to leave
The Department of Foreign Affairs is advising Irish people to leave China because of the coronavirus outbreak.
In a change to its existing travel advice, the department says Irish people in China whose continued presence is not essential should “contact their travel agency or airlines regarding available routes out before any further restrictions may be imposed”.
The department’s updated advice is in line with new recommendations from the British authorities who are advising their citizens to leave “if you can”.
Details & Credit https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/coronavirus-government-advises-irish-in-china-to-leave-1.4161654