Covid-19: Reminder Garda are carrying out compliance checks on public transport throughout February

On 12 Feb afternoon, Members of @gardainfo are at Heuston ,ensuring that only essential journeys are being made.
Members of @gardainfo are at Heuston this afternoon, ensuring that only essential journeys are being made. #StaySafe #holdfirm
— Iarnród Éireann #StaySafe (@IrishRail) February 12, 2021
On 10 Feb, The Gardaí are out with us (Luas staff) checking with customers to see if their travel is essential & ensuring face covering compliance. To date compliance is over 98% which is great, let’s keep it that way.
A big thank you to @GardaTraffic, @gardainfo 👮 & all #Luas Staff 👏
— Luas (@Luas) February 10, 2021
The Gardaí are out with us checking with customers to see if their travel is essential & ensuring face covering 😷 compliance. To date compliance is over 98% which is great, let’s keep it that way.
Gardaí in Kilmainham and Irish Rail staff carrying out compliance checks on-board trains at Heuston Station.
The checks are focused on ensuring that only essential journey’s are being undertaken and masks are being worn These will continue throughout February
Gardaí in Kilmainham and Irish Rail staff carrying out compliance checks on-board trains at Heuston Station
— An Garda Síochána (@GardaTraffic) February 6, 2021
The checks are focused on ensuring that only essential journey’s are being undertaken and masks are being worn
These will continue throughout February#StayHomeStaySafe
These two guys were absolutely fine because they were just going for a walk within 5km from their home.
Gardaí carrying out covid checkpoints stopped these two recently. They told us that they were out for a dander and a gander inside their 5km limit for exercise. #StayHome #StaySafe
— An Garda Síochána (@GardaTraffic) February 3, 2021
Image credit Twitter Luas