Ireland weather: Status Yellow – Snow or Ice warning for all Ireland

Met Éireann just issued Status Yellow – Snow/Ice warning for Ireland during this weekend
Met Éireann Weather Warning – Falls of hail, sleet and snow. Icy and hazardous conditions. Valid: 18:00 Saturday 23/01/2021 to 12:00 Sunday 24/01/2021
Status Yellow – Snow/Ice warning for Ireland
— Met Éireann (@MetEireann) January 22, 2021
Met Éireann Weather Warning
Falls of hail, sleet and snow. Icy and hazardous conditions.
Valid: 18:00 Saturday 23/01/2021 to 12:00 Sunday 24/01/2021
For more weather warning information:
Earlier today , Status Yellow – Snow/Ice warning issued for Cavan, Monaghan, Donegal, Leitrim, Mayo, Roscommon and Sligo.
Expected falls of hail, sleet and snow. Icy and hazardous conditions.
Valid: 12:00 Friday 22/01/2021 – 12:00 Saturday 23/01/2021
Status Yellow – Snow/Ice warning for Cavan, Monaghan, Donegal, Leitrim, Mayo, Roscommon and Sligo.
— Met Éireann (@MetEireann) January 22, 2021
Falls of hail, sleet and snow. Icy and hazardous conditions.
Valid: 12:00 Friday 22/01/2021 – 12:00 Saturday 23/01/2021
Weather warning information:
Feature photo – Cobh Co Cork cover in snow , Credit