精彩影片: 觀看《舞起狂瀾》演員在世界各地的家中一起跳舞 The cast of Riverdance dance together from their homes across the world

《舞起狂瀾》 Riverdance 劇組和工作人員因疫情突然要停止演出感到震驚,並意識到這疫症在世界各國的影響,他們返回家園。在愛爾蘭,英國,美國,加拿大,西班牙,澳大利亞,摩爾多瓦,烏克蘭和俄羅斯的家中。 在網路上, 演員再聚集在一起,透過舞蹈對所有前線和重要工作人員,以及繼續在與COVID-19中發揮自己作用的人們,說“謝謝”。
From their homes in Ireland, UK, USA, Canada, Spain, Australia, Moldova, Ukraine & Russia as well as those dancers who have swapped their dancing shoes for scrubs the Riverdance cast have come together while being apart to say ‘thank you’ to all frontline and essential workers, as well as the people at home who continue to do their part in the fight against COVID-19.