愛爾蘭旅遊景點 全國春天美景 Spring in Ireland

春天到了, 美麗的愛爾蘭更美麗!
春季平均氣溫在8-12°C之間。 在春季快結束時,溫度通常達到15°C,4月通常是特別宜人的月份。 長袖,輕盈的防風防水外套非常適合這種天氣。
Spring (March – May)
In spring it becomes gradually warmer with average temperatures between 8 – 12 °C. Towards the end of the season, the temperature often reaches 15 °C, with April usually being a particularly pleasant month. Long sleeves and a light wind and waterproof jacket are perfect for this kind of weather. ( https://www.ireland.com/en-hk/about-ireland/discover-ireland/irelands-weather/ )