愛爾蘭 新增 5 宗確診 Covid-19 Five new cases of coronavirus confirmed in Republic of Ireland

- 愛爾蘭共和國上升到18宗,北愛爾蘭有4宗, 全島共22宗
- 中西部的六家醫院禁止訪客進入( University Hospital Limerick, University Maternity Hospital Limerick, St John’s Hospital, Croom Orthopaedic Hospital in Co Limerick; Nenagh Hospital in Co Tipperary and Ennis Hospital in Co Clare)
- 股市因冠狀病毒擔憂而下跌
- 社區傳播的出現第一宗
- Cork University Hospital :60名醫務人員自我隔離,取消了門診預約
- Mater Hospital要求公眾不要前往
- University Hospital Limerick尋求及追踪病人有聯繫人士
- 都柏林三一學院確認與其中的病例有關,關閉校園部分地方
- 全國范圍內對養老院實施的訪客限制
- 規定醫護人員自我隔離規則的變更
- 預計兩週內有數百宗案件
- HSE衞生部表示將開設25張新的重症監護病床
- 支付自我隔離的職員工工資安排研究中
- 餐廳因冠狀病毒而失去預訂
- Cases in Republic rise to 18, with four in Northern Ireland
- Six hospitals in mid-west ban visitors ( University Hospital Limerick, University Maternity Hospital Limerick, St John’s Hospital, Croom Orthopaedic Hospital in Co Limerick; Nenagh Hospital in Co Tipperary and Ennis Hospital in Co Clare)
- Stocks fall on coronavirus fears
- Almost 100,000 cases reported globally, says WHO chief
- First case of transmission in community
- Cork University Hospital : 60 medical staffself-isolating, outpatient appointments cancelled
- Mater Hospital requests the public not to visit
- University Hospital Limerick seeking to trace contacts
- Trinity College Dublin confirms link to case, closes section on campus
- Visitor restrictions ordered for nursing homes nationwideChange in self-isolation rules for healthcare workers
- Hundreds of cases expected within fortnight
- HSE says 25 new intensive care beds to open
- Pay for workers who self-isolate to be examined
- Restaurants losing bookings due to coronavirus