2月26日 武漢肺炎 愛爾蘭 重點綜合報導 26 Feb 2020 Coronavirus in Ireland news summary

LEAFLETS AND POSTERS about Covid-19 will be distributed to the country’s ports and airports in a bid to “step up” awareness about the virus and to keep Ireland in the “containment phase”.
Details & credit https://www.thejournal.ie/dublin-airport-coronavirus-covid-19-5022848-Feb2020/
首席醫療官Tony Holohan告訴人們,如果他們從受到冠狀病毒影響的地區返回並出現症狀,則要“自我隔離”。
他今天上午在RTÉRadio One的節目中說:“如果你在過去14天內從任何一個地區回來,並有類似流感的症狀,例如咳嗽或呼吸急促,呼吸困難或發燒, 就應該待在家裡。”
CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER Dr Tony Holohan has told people to “self-isolate” if they return from a region affected by coronavirus and are displaying symptoms.
Speaking on RTÉ Radio One’s Morning Ireland programme this morning, Holohan said: “If you have come back from any of those regions in the last 14 days and experience flu-like symptoms such as a cough or shortness of breath, breathing difficulties or a fever – you should stay at home.”
Details & credit https://www.thejournal.ie/chief-medical-officer-areas-affected-coronavirus-italy-six-nations-5022169-Feb2020/
IRISH St Patrick’s Day celebrations could be affected by the coronavirus spread – as Ireland’s Six Nations clash with Italy “shouldn’t go ahead”.
Health Minister Simon Harris said the HSE will be publishing guidelines in relation to mass gatherings – such as the St Patrick’s Day Parade – in the coming days.
Details & credit https://www.thesun.ie/news/5137222/coronavirus-st-patricks-day-hse-guidelines/
衛生部長西蒙·哈里斯(Simon Harris)今天較早時候表示,禁止從特定國家/地區的航班是不可行的,因為將無法有效遏制該病毒。
他說人們從一個國家到另一個國家,再到另一個國家。 因此,歐洲需要就所有決定採取共同行動,而愛爾蘭在這些問題上始終與歐盟委員會和世界衛生組織保持一致。 我們的回應必須相稱。”他說。
Harris said earlier today that banning flights from specific countries is not an option because it would be ineffective in containing the virus.
Expanding on this to reporters, Harris said that banning flights “simply wouldn’t work”.
“People move from one country to another country to other countries. So Europe needs to act together on all decisions and Ireland would always act in unison with the European Commission, and with the World Health Organisation in relation to all of these issues. And our responses have to be proportionate,” he said.
On 'banning flights', Harris says it "simply wouldn't work" and that "free movement of people is at the core of the entire purpose of the EU" #COVIDー19 pic.twitter.com/frI0nXlgNm
— Rónán Duffy (@ronanduffy_) February 26, 2020
衛生部長西蒙·哈里斯(Simon Harris)強調,這並不代表有很多確診病例。
“目前為止,我們有90個疑似個案。 但是請記住,昨天我們在列表中添加大量新國家。 過去14天裡有很多愛爾蘭人到過這些國家,其中有些人可能會出現症狀,有些人可能需要接受檢查。 受影響的國家數量已經擴大。”
Ireland should expect ‘a very big increase’ in suspected coronavirus cases in the next few weeks
Health Minister Simon Harris stresses this does not mean a significant number of positive cases.
So we’ve seen 90 suspect cases so far. But remember yesterday we told people that we’re adding a load of new countries to the list. So lots of people from Ireland will have been in these countries in the last 14 days, some of them may show symptoms, some of the may need to be tested. So it’s an acknowledgement of the fact that the number of countries affected has expanded.
Details & credit https://www.thejournal.ie/coronavirus-ireland-suspected-cases-5022544-Feb2020/