2月22日 武漢肺炎 愛爾蘭 重點綜合報導 22 Feb 2020 Coronavirus in Ireland news summary

中國航空公司 – 吉祥航空, 因為冠狀病毒的影響,已無限期中止都柏林至上海每週兩次航班的計劃。
這家航空公司原定於3月29日開通從都柏林到上海浦東機場 (在赫爾辛基短暫停留的) 全年航線。
Chinese airline Juneyao Air has indefinitely suspended its planned twice-weekly Dublin to Shanghai passenger service, blaming the impact of coronavirus which continues to massively disrupt travel.
The Chinese airline had been scheduled to launch the new year-round route on March 29 connecting Dublin with Shanghai’s Pudong Airport via a short stopover in Helsinki.
The original announcement of the Juneyao service had been a boost to Irish-China connections after the earlier decision by Hainan Airlines to cease flights from Dublin to Shenzhen, and to suspend its Dublin-Beijing service over winter.
Cathay Pacific’s service between Dublin and Hong Kong is currently on ice until March.
Details & credit https://www.independent.ie/life/travel/travel-news/new-dublin-to-shanghai-flight-service-suspended-indefinitely-amid-coronavirus-chaos-38979249.html
受到冠狀病毒影響的日本遊輪, 乘客中有兩名愛爾蘭公民,他們現已抵達英國。
約有30名英國和歐洲公民乘坐由英國政府安排的航班, 現在並會在利物浦附近隔離兩週。
另外,一名愛爾蘭歌手從鑽石公主號撤離後, 確認自己在澳洲, 並且“健康又安全”。
本週初,官員表示有六名愛爾蘭人在船上, 其中兩人COVID-19測試呈陽性。
Two Irish citizens are among the passengers from a coronavirus-hit cruise ship in Japan who have now arrived in the UK.
Around 30 British and European citizens were on the flight operated by the British government – and all of those evacuated will now spend two weeks in quarantine near Liverpool.
Passengers on the flight had previously been on the Diamond Princess cruise ship.
Separately, an Irish singer has confirmed she is ‘healthy and safe’ in Australia after being evacuated from the Diamond Princess.
Earlier this week, officials said six Irish people had been on the ship – two of whom had tested positive for COVID-19.
While there have been dozens of suspected cases of coronavirus in Ireland, no cases have been confirmed so far.
Details & credit https://www.newstalk.com/news/diamond-princess-irish-citizens-971777