2月12日 武漢肺炎 愛爾蘭 重點綜合報導 12 Feb 2020 Coronavirus in Ireland news summary

到目前為止,愛爾蘭沒有任何人對該病毒有陽性結果, 即沒有任何病例,但如果診斷出陽性,首席醫療官霍洛漢向公眾保證,衛生部門已做好應對的充分準備。
他建議最近從中國大陸回來並有類似流感症狀的人, 給他們的GP打電話,而不是去做GP診所。
Ireland remains free of coronavirus
So far no-one has tested positive in Ireland for the virus but if there is a positive diagnosis, Dr Holohan reassured the public that the health service is well prepared to deal with such a scenario.
The Chief Medical Officer said that there is no situation in Ireland where people are kept in quarantine.
He advised anyone who has recently returned from mainland China and has flu like symptoms to ring their GP and not visit the surgery.
Details & credit https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2020/0212/1114788-coronavirus-ireland/