2月11日 武漢肺炎 愛爾蘭 重點綜合報導 11 Feb 2020 Coronavirus in Ireland news summary

愛爾蘭衛生部說,有六十五名懷疑患有新的冠狀病毒的人士在愛爾蘭接受了測試,但所有結果均為陰性, 即沒有染上這個病毒。
Sixty-five people suspected of having the new coronavirus have been tested in Ireland, the Department of Health has said, but all results were negative.
The department’s national public health emergency team (NPHET) added that it remains the case that there are no confirmed cases here of Covid-19
Details & credit https://www.irishtimes.com/news/health/suspected-coronavirus-cases-in-ireland-total-65-1.4170863
招聘公司 Indeed 表示,其一名可能暴露於冠狀病毒的職員證實沒有染病。
到過新加坡辦公室的 Indeed 員工最近也到過都柏林和悉尼辦公室。
RECRUITMENT FIRM INDEED said that one of its staff members who said they were potentially exposed to the coronavirus has tested negative for the illness.
One of the firm’s employees in Singapore told superiors that they might have been exposed to the virus after their family members visited a facility caring for someone with the illness.
Some Indeed employees who visited the Singapore office have recently visited the Dublin and Sydney offices.
A statement from Indeed today said that its Dublin office will remain closed as a precaution.
Details & credit https://www.thejournal.ie/coronavirus-indeed-precautions-5003550-Feb2020/