2月10日 武漢肺炎 愛爾蘭 重點綜合報導 10 Feb 2020 Coronavirus in Ireland news summary

招聘公司 Indeed 要求愛爾蘭僱員在家中工作, 直到下週。
據說,這是在新加坡的一名員工 “可能已經暴露於冠狀病毒”,這員工的家人到訪過照顧冠狀病毒患者的設施。
“由於一些到過新加坡的員工, 最近都來到過我們在悉尼和都柏林的辦公室,所以我們要求都柏林和悉尼的所有員工在家工作,直到我們得到確認。”
The recruiting firm Indeed has asked Irish employees to work from home until next week.
It says this is after one of its workers in Singapore “may have been exposed to coronavirus”, after their family members visited a facility caring for a coronavirus patient.
In a statement, the company says: “While there are no confirmed cases of infection, out of an abundance of caution for the health and safety of our employees, we have asked all employees in Singapore, along with anyone who has recently visited our Singapore offices, to work from home until February 17th.
“Since some employees who visited Singapore have recently visited our Sydney and Dublin offices, we are asking all employees in the Dublin and Sydney offices to work from home until we have received confirmation.”
Details & credit https://www.newstalk.com/news/indeed-asks-irish-employees-work-home-coronavirus-fears-964829