愛爾蘭旅遊景點克萊爾郡三文魚之旅 Irish Salmon Smokehouse County Clare Ireland

愛爾蘭旅遊景點克萊爾郡三文魚之旅 Irish Salmon Smokehouse County Clare Ireland

愛爾蘭旅遊景點克萊爾郡三文魚之旅 Irish Salmon Smokehouse County Clare Ireland , 今次介紹一個地方, 讓大家可以認識愛爾蘭傳統美食以及必吃的三文魚!

Image of 三文魚伴面包 Salmon on toast , 愛爾蘭旅遊景點克萊爾郡三文魚之旅 Irish Salmon Smokehouse County Clare Ireland
三文魚伴面包 Salmon on toast

愛爾蘭旅遊景點克萊爾郡三文魚之旅 Irish Salmon Smokehouse County Clare Ireland 介紹

愛爾蘭早餐其實不只是愛爾蘭早餐 Irish Breakfast, 這個水波蛋三文魚早餐也常出現 (雖然不是愛爾蘭獨有), 因為愛爾蘭盛產三文魚! 而愛爾蘭有好多菜式都會用上三文魚, 所以來到愛爾蘭, 很值得去吃吃煙三文魚或不同煮法的三文魚菜式!

Egg Royale Smoke Salmon in Dublin
Egg Royale in Dublin 三文魚水波蛋早餐

如果想了解如何製作愛爾蘭煙三文魚, 在 Clare 郡, 有家蠻出名的煙三文魚家庭式工場 – Burren Smokehouse , 有很多不同的煙燻食品, 還有煙三文魚製作示範講解, 有興趣的話可去看看啊!

irish salmon tasting
various irish salmon for tasting
presentation make smoked salmon
how to make smoked salmon
smoked salmon cuisine
delicious smoked salmon cuisine
Irish Salmon with Irish whiskey
Salmon with Irish whiskey
Burren smoked salmon
Burren Smokehouse smoked salmon

愛爾蘭旅遊景點克萊爾郡三文魚之旅 Irish Salmon Smokehouse County Clare Ireland 位置及交通

Burren Smokehouse

地址: Lisdoonvarna, Co. Clare, Ireland (就在Cliffs of Moher附近, 如果自駕遊的話, 十分方便, 只需15分鐘)

電話: +353 65 7074432 /+353 65 7074303

煙三文魚製作示範訂位請至電郵 sales@burrensmokehouse.ie 說明日期及人數 (活動只限於3月1日至8月31日)

門票: 家庭票€21.80/成人票€8.15/17歲以下小童€3.25

網址: https://www.burrensmokehouse.com/

Photo Credit: https://www.facebook.com/BurrenSmokehouse/


You can easily find Irish Salmon on the menu here in Ireland. And there is a Salmon Smokehouse located in Co. Clare. It is very close to Cliffs of Moher. You may pay a visit to the place and get some real Irish Smoke Salmon when you visit the Cliffs.



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