香港往來愛爾蘭飛機 Flights connect Hong Kong to Ireland

大家都因為香港往來愛爾蘭沒有直航,所以選擇先飛歐洲其他國家,或中東國家,再飛愛爾蘭,從香港出發計, 如果經歐洲,會是先約12小時,再坐約2小時。如果經中東,會是先8小時,再坐7-8小時。我坐過國泰加英航的歐洲線, 也坐過中東線, 即阿聯酋 ,也坐過 阿提哈德航空 ,香港到 阿布扎比 轉機的一程是 塞舌爾 航空代辦的,到愛爾蘭一程才是阿提哈德 。

you may be interested knowing more on the flights from #hongkong to #Ireland. there’s no direct flight from #hongkong to #Ireland . Other than #emiratesairline , #etihadairways is another airline offer tickets with better prices. The flight from HK to #abudhabi is on #airsychelles ,which is a partner of etihadairways. The connection, as I said, is in Abudabi. I guess etihad just entered HK market in the recent years, so not many people had heard about it