愛爾蘭生活日常 購物篇 馬莎 Grocery shopping in Ireland – Marks & Spencer

這次去 #愛爾蘭 Marks & Spencer
精明消費,提醒大家除了減價品, 差不多所有超市下午甚至上午都會有特大減價清貨食品, 都是快將到期的, 質素還是不錯的
Sharing of food prices in Ireland. Walked around in M&S today. Hope you enjoy it.
這次去 #愛爾蘭 Marks & Spencer
精明消費,提醒大家除了減價品, 差不多所有超市下午甚至上午都會有特大減價清貨食品, 都是快將到期的, 質素還是不錯的
Sharing of food prices in Ireland. Walked around in M&S today. Hope you enjoy it.