Electricity Account Credit of €200 for domestic electricity customers in Ireland

Domestic electricity customers, including pay as you go customers, will get a one-off, exceptional payment of €200 in 2022.
The payment will be automatic, and you will not need to apply for it. The €200 credit (including VAT) will be paid between April and June 2022.
If you have an older pre-pay meter that has a pre-pay limit, you can redeem your electricity credit over 3 separate top-ups (vends), over the space of a few days. This means the €200 electricity credit will be applied over 3 separate top-ups.
For example, customers using hardship prepay meters have a €300 credit limit, and the €200 credit could put the meter over the limit. Instead, the €200 credit will be broken down into 3 smaller credits of €90, €90 and €20.
To redeem your 3 smaller credits, you should pay €10 towards your electricity. Your credit will then be automatically added to the top-up. You should allow one day between each €10 payment.
If you are a tenant in rented accommodation and you pay your landlord directly for your electricity (rather than the electricity provider), your landlord should pass the credit on to you.
Details & credit https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/consumer/utilities/electricity_account_credit.html
Photo by Sven Brandsma on Unsplash