Hong Kong Girl in Ireland

Covid-19: Thank you Gardaí and Remember Gardaí are available to assist the vulnerable and elderly

Garda visit elderly in Tralee Credit Twitter @gardainfo

Thank you Garda! We are glad to have you all in this difficult time. Garda are delivering coal, briquettes, meals and even a tablet for a video call. Let’s all adhere to the regulations and guidelines.

During this difficult time, let’s stay home if possible and keep an eye on our neighbours and see if anyone needs help. Also keep in mind that you can seek help from the Garda.

According to Garda’s twitter account

Reminder to all that Gardaí are available to assist the vulnerable and elderly people living alone. Please contact your local Garda Station if you ,or someone you know of, needs assistance. Thank you for complying with the guidelines.

Photo credit Twitter @gardainfo