Hong Kong Girl in Ireland

Covid-19 愛爾蘭 新增 13 宗確診 3 宗死亡 13 new cases of coronavirus , 3 more confirmed deaths in Republic of Ireland

image credit https://www.thejournal.ie/coronavirus-latest-figures-ireland-5121009-Jun2020/

首席醫學官Tony Holohan說:“ Covid-19病毒將繼續在可預見的未來影響我們日常生活的方式,但是,我們已經目睹了我們的集體行動如何控制該病毒的傳播。 通過繼續合作,實施我們的新行為模式,我們可以繼續限制疾病的傳播。”

愛爾蘭 新增 13 宗確診 3 宗死亡 – 累計 25,250 宗確診 1,705 宗死亡

HEALTH OFFICIALS HAVE confirmed that a further three patients have died as a result of Covid-19 in Ireland. 

The Department of Health also said that 13 new cases of the disease have been confirmed here. 

A total of 1,705 people have now died from Covid-19 in Ireland and there has been a total of 25,250 cases here. 

Details & credit https://www.thejournal.ie/coronavirus-latest-figures-ireland-5121009-Jun2020/