Hong Kong Girl in Ireland

Covid-19 愛爾蘭 新增 76 宗確診 13 宗死亡 76 new cases of coronavirus , 13 more deaths confirmed in Republic of Ireland

Image credit https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/health/coronavirus/coronavirus-updates-safety-of-staff-is-non-negotiable-says-economy-minister-after-15-further-deaths-39208699.html

今天較早時,HSE的首席執行官保羅·里德敦促公眾對Covid-19限制措施“保持堅定”。他明白公眾擔心工作和生活,但補充說 “未來還有美好的日子”。

愛爾蘭 新增 76 宗確診13宗死亡 – 累計 24,582 宗確診 1,604 宗死亡

A FURTHER 13 people have died from Covid-19 in Ireland, the Department of Health has confirmed.

A further 76 cases of the virus have also been confirmed here.

There have now been a total 1,604 Covid-19 related deaths in Ireland.  There is now a total of 24,582 confirmed cases of coronavirus here.

Details & credit https://www.thejournal.ie/covid-19-updated-figures-ireland-5106118-May2020/