Hong Kong Girl in Ireland

Covid-19 愛爾蘭 新增 115 宗確診 11 宗死亡 115 new cases of coronavirus , 11 more deaths confirmed in Republic of Ireland

Covid-19 news , Image credit https://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/coronavirus-two-more-deaths-and-235-new-cases-confirmed-in-republic-1.4211896?mode=amp

新確診的病例 數字一周內首次超過100。

愛爾蘭 新增 115 宗確診11宗死亡 – 累計 24,506 宗確診 1,592 宗死亡

A FURTHER 11 people have died from Covid-19 in Ireland, the Department of Health has confirmed.

A further 115 cases of the virus have also been confirmed here, bringing the total number of cases to 24,506.

The death toll from Covid-19 in Ireland is now 1,592.

Details & credit https://www.thejournal.ie/covid-19-cases-and-deaths-in-ireland-3-5105501-May2020/