Hong Kong Girl in Ireland

Covid-19 愛爾蘭 新增 221 宗確診 34 宗死亡 北愛爾蘭 新增 87 宗確診 18 宗死亡- 全島共 24,456‬‬‬ 宗確診 共 1,630‬ 宗死亡 221 new cases of coronavirus , 34 more deaths confirmed in Republic of Ireland – 24,456 cases , 1,630‬ deaths on island of Ireland

coronavirus news , Credit https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/kerry-based-family-being-tested-for-coronavirus-38937984.html

愛爾蘭 新增 221 宗確診34宗死亡 – 累計 20,833 宗確診 1,265 宗死亡
北愛爾蘭 新增87宗確診18宗死亡 – 累計 3,623 宗確診 365 宗死亡
全島共24,456‬宗確診 共1,630‬‬宗死亡

HEALTH OFFICIALS HAVE confirmed a further 34 people diagnosed with Covid-19 have died in Ireland, and there are 221 new cases of the disease. 

There have now been 1,265 Covid-19 related deaths in Ireland and a total of 20,833 confirmed cases in the country since the start of the outbreak.

Details & credit https://www.thejournal.ie/coronavirus-ireland-figures-5089418-May2020/

the latest data revealed a further four people have died in the last 24 hours, with a further 14 unreported deaths announced for Northern Ireland. It brings the total death toll related to coronavirus in NI to 365.

The newly published figures, which relate to 9.30am on April 30 to 9.30am on May 1, show that four people have died with a further 14 deaths reported but not occurring within this period.

The figures from the Department of Health show that a further 87 people have tested positive since the last report, with a total of 3,623 found to have had the disease after testing. Some 23,381 people have been tested overall.

Details & credit https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/health/coronavirus/coronavirus-updates-northern-ireland-covid-19-recovery-plan-to-be-announced-next-week-says-michelle-oneill-39172840.html