Hong Kong Girl in Ireland

Covid-19 愛爾蘭 新增 577 宗確診 222 宗死亡 北愛爾蘭 新增 103 宗確診 15 宗死亡- 全島共 21,306 宗確診 共 1,292‬ 宗死亡 577 new cases of coronavirus , 222 more deaths confirmed in Republic of Ireland – 21,306 cases , 1,292‬‬‬ deaths on island of Ireland

coronavirus news gov.ie , Image credit https://www.thejournal.ie/coronavirus-figures-2-5061587-Mar2020/

愛爾蘭 新增 577 宗確診222宗死亡 – 累計 18,184 宗確診 1,014 宗死亡 ( 今日愛爾蘭公佈的死亡數字分兩種, 即今天37宗是有實驗室確診的, 185宗是*累積數字, 不單是今天的* ”很有可能個案”,即死者未有做過測試但由醫生或醫護人員認為是因此而死亡 )
北愛爾蘭 新增 106 宗確診 15 宗死亡 – 累計 3,122 宗確診 278 宗死亡
全島共21,306宗確診 共1,292‬‬宗死亡

HEALTH OFFICIALS HAVE confirmed that a further 37 patients diagnosed with Covid-19 in Ireland have died. There are a further 185 “probable deaths”, where it’s suspected the person who died had Covid-19, but a test is yet to confirm that.

Dr Ronan Glynn, Deputy Chief Medical Officer said tonight that a “probable death” was recorded when a person who died didn’t have a swab taken to test for Covid-19, but a doctor or other healthcare professional deemed that it was probable they had Covid-19.

It brings to 1,014 the total number of deaths from the coronavirus here to date. 577 new cases were also confirmed by officials at a briefing at the Department of Health this evening, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 18,184.

Details & credit https://www.thejournal.ie/coronavirus-new-cases-24-april-5083395-Apr2020/

15 new hospital deaths in the past 24 hours in Northern Ireland

A further 106 positive cases have also been confirmed, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 3,122.

Coronavirus: Confirmed cases and hospital deaths in Northern Ireland

Patients tested: 17,872 • Positives: 3,122 • Deaths: 278

C-19 patients in hospital: 677 • C-19 patients in ICU: 34 • C-19 patients discharged: 2,825 • Care home outbreaks: 63

Details & credit https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/health/coronavirus/coronavirus-updates-further-13-deaths-in-northern-ireland-39150884.html