Hong Kong Girl in Ireland

愛爾蘭衛生部長在指出Covid-19之前還存在“其他18種冠狀病毒” 之後道歉 Simon Harris apologises for claiming there has been “18 other coronaviruses” before Covid-19

Image credit https://www.joe.ie/news/simon-harris-apologises-claiming-18-other-coronaviruses-before-covid-19-696771?fbclid=IwAR2TDTyCBoSfTf0B9Kymjdm3hPsc8EuTR2euXFUoFOyPJUJt0mL48AlO7rs

衛生部長哈里斯在星期三早上出現在2FM“與Doireann和Eoghan一起早餐”節目中,“說:“但是請記住,這是冠狀病毒Covid-19。這意味著還有其他18種冠狀病毒,我認為他們沒有實際上成功地(為 其他18種冠狀病毒 )找到了任何一種疫苗。”




Appearing on 2FM Breakfast with Doireann and Eoghan on Wednesday morning, Harris said: “But remember this is coronavirus, Covid-19. That means there have been 18 other coronaviruses and I don’t think they have actually successfully found a vaccine for any.”#AD  

The Minister for Health posted a video on his Twitter page on Wednesday evening where he apologised for the mistake, claiming he can be an “awful aul’ idiot at times”.

He said: “I was trying to make the point that there has been lots of viruses in the world so far for which there hasn’t been a vacine found…

“Don’t ask me how or why, I can only presume it’s a degree of cabin fever after being in this department on a very regular basis for the last while maybe a bit of sleep deprivation, I stupidly talked about there being 18 other coronaviruses, which of course there isn’t. I can be an awful aul’ idiot at times.

“The point I’m trying to make is that lots of work is going on around the world to try and find a vaccine.”

For clarity, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has stated that Covid-19 stands for: Corona (CO) Virus (VI) Disease (D) and 19 (2019), the year that the virus first hit.

Details & credit https://www.joe.ie/news/simon-harris-apologises-claiming-18-other-coronaviruses-before-covid-19-696771?fbclid=IwAR2TDTyCBoSfTf0B9Kymjdm3hPsc8EuTR2euXFUoFOyPJUJt0mL48AlO7rs