Hong Kong Girl in Ireland

愛爾蘭人的幽默: Garda 愛爾蘭警察帶著遺失小熊做防疫宣傳 Teddy helps out for Garda duties during Covid-19

Garda Ted , image credit https://www.facebook.com/angardasiochana

Garda 愛爾蘭警察在防疫期間也不忘幽默,

他們早前在伊斯特沃特(Eastwall)教堂路(Church Rd)的行人道上找到了這個大 泰迪熊 , 泰迪熊 同意在Covid19期間幫忙補充手套和洗手消毒劑,以陪警察一起執行職責。 泰迪熊 現已與主人團聚,但是在早上還抽空早班開會,以強調社交距離和留在家中保持安全。

謝謝 愛爾蘭警察 給我們歡樂!

Thank you Garda. Thank you Teddy.

Garda found this big guy on the footpath on Church Rd, Eastwall today and he agreed to help out for a while restocking gloves and hand sanitiser for Garda duties during Covid19.

‘Ted’ has been reunited with his owner, however he found time to address the early shift at Store St this morning to emphasize the importance of #PhysicalDistancing #StayAtHomeAndBeSafe

Details & credit https://www.facebook.com/angardasiochana