直到週日午夜,首席醫學官霍洛漢說, 已經有113名病人入了ICU。(全國共大約250 ICU)
Up until Sunday midnight, Dr Holohan said there have been 113 admissions to intensive care units.
Seventeen more people have died from Covid-19 in Ireland and 325 new cases have been diagnosed today.
There has now been 71 Covid-19 related deaths in the country, with 3,235 confirmed cases of the virus.
In Northern Ireland there have been six further deaths due to the coronavirus. It brings the total number of deaths in the region to 28.
A further 53 cases of Covid-19 were also confirmed in the North, bringing the total number of infections to 586.
Details & credit https://www.rte.ie/news/2020/0331/1127682-latest-irish-figures/