Hong Kong Girl in Ireland

愛爾蘭免接觸式支付限額下週將提高至50歐元 Contactless payment limit will increase to €50 next week

Contactless payment limit , Image credit https://www.thejournal.ie/contactless-playments-5060852-Mar2020/


AIB表示,由於冠狀病毒的爆發,將暫停每次支付收取1分的免接觸式支付費用 的計劃 。

銀行還警告公眾, 不要被欺騙在網上公開銀行密碼。


社會保護部 表示,詐騙者似乎在利用申請緊急疫症福利金的人, 以進行欺詐。它說:“您不會接到 政府的電話詢問銀行詳細信息。”

THE CONTACTLESS PAYMENT will increase from €30 to €50 by Wednesday 1 April.

AIB recently said it would suspend its plans to introduce contactless fees of 1 cent per payment due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Banks have also warned the public not to be tricked into giving out their pin number online.

A senior official said the Department of Social Protection has become aware of a number of members of the public receiving phone calls from individuals who say they are from the department and requesting their bank or financial institution account details.

Scammers appear to be taking advantage of the number of people who have signed up for the emergency pandemic payment, the department said.

Details & credit https://www.thejournal.ie/contactless-playments-5060852-Mar2020/