Hong Kong Girl in Ireland

愛爾蘭增加 Covid-19 失業津貼及其他新資助 COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment was increased and measures to help employers to maintain the wage payments

Aldi in Blackrock , Image credit https://www.irishtimes.com/business/economy/coronavirus-ireland-faces-possibility-of-recession-amid-uncertainty-1.4202625


您的雇主可能在此期間關閉業務, 並要您回家。這稱為臨時裁員。 如果您的雇主無法在此期間付款,您可以申請緊急 COVID-19流行疫病失業金。 此緊急付款是為雇主無法繼續付款的任何人引入的。

所有因 COVID-19流行疫病 而失業的僱員和自僱人士均可獲得該款項。

您將獲得每週350歐元的款項, 將發放12週。 您必須年齡在18至66歲之間才能符合資格。

申請 https://services.mywelfare.ie/en/other-info-pages/covid-19/

If you’ve lost your job because of the outbreak:

You are entitled to the Covid-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment. This payment has now been increased to €350 per week, for a period of 12 weeks. You can apply for it here

You will need:

People who have been put on part-time or casual work or had their hours reduced, can also apply for this payment. 

If you are self-employed and have lost work because of the outbreak:

You are also entitled to the Covid-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment of €350 per week. You can apply here. 

If your employer can’t afford to keep paying your full wage but is not laying you off:

Your employer can avail of the new temporary wage subsidy announced today. Under this scheme, the government will pay up to a maximum of €410 per employee, per week, to help affected companies keep paying their workers. 

Your employer can top this amount up to bring the level to your usual wage, or closer to it.

If you have been told to self-isolate by a doctor or have been diagnosed with Covid-19 after a test:

You can apply for the Covid-19 illness payment, which was also increased today to €350 per week. 

There are three ways to make an application:

Details & credit https://www.thejournal.ie/coronavirus-unemployment-payment-5056516-Mar2020/