Hong Kong Girl in Ireland

愛爾蘭 Covid-19 醫療資源問題 COVID-19 Statement from intensive care doctors

Signs at the entrance to Cork University Hospital , Image credit https://www.irishtimes.com/news/health/coronavirus-five-new-cases-confirmed-in-the-republic-of-ireland-1.4195050?mode=amp


即年輕患者存活機會大, 會優先救治, 年長或病患存活機會小, 可能要作出沉重決定, 未能優先救治。


整個愛爾蘭共和國600萬人口. 只有237 *重症監護(ICU)(2016數據)

There are only 237* Intensive Care Units (ICU) in the whole of the Republic of Ireland for a population of 6M, and your scientists predict than anything between 20% to 80% of the Irish population will catch the virus, now assuming the best-case scenario: if 20% of 6M Irish population does get the virus this equals to 1.2M people infected, of this 1.2M people if only 2% dies we are talking about 2,400 people, but Italy has a mortality rate of >5%, so your numbers would go up to 6,000 deaths. (source: https://www.change.org/p/together-to-fight-coronavirus-in-ireland?recruiter=46887217&recruited_by_id=847b4f10-835e-0130-994c-38ac6f16d25f&share_bandit_exp=message-20745638-en-GB&share_bandit_var=v2)

*census data from 2016 https://www.hse.ie/eng/services/publications/clinical-strategy-and-programmes/critical-care-capacity-and-workforce-census-2016.pdf