Hong Kong Girl in Ireland

2月27日 武漢肺炎 愛爾蘭 重點綜合報導 27 Feb 2020 Coronavirus in Ireland news summary

Coronavirus news Image credit https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-51661571





A first case of coronavirus has been identified in Northern Ireland.

Northern Ireland’s Public Health Agency this evening said the patient is receiving specialist care, and they are working rapidly to identify any contacts the patient had.

The agency said the patient had been to northern Italy and then travelled home to Northern Ireland through Dublin.

The patient, who is believed to be an adult, is now in isolation at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast.

Details and credit https://www.rte.ie/amp/1117991/

Coronavirus is “highly likely” to reach Northern Ireland, but people should not panic, a virologist at Queen’s University Belfast has said.

Fifty-two people in Northern Ireland have been tested for the virus.

The results have all been negative, the Public Health Agency (PHA) said.

However, Dr Lindsay Broadbent of Queen University’s Centre for Infection and Immunity, said it would be a surprise if there were no cases here in the future.

Dr Broadbent said one good thing about the virus was that it did not affect young people severely, with the fatality rate for young adults and children comparable to seasonal flu.

“It’s definitely not worth panicking about at this stage. It’s not a serious disease for the majority of people,” she said.

“As long as people are aware if they start to feel ill, if they start to have flu-like symptoms, that they stay at home for a few days, phone their GP, just keep an eye on how they’re feeling and how those around them are feeling then there’s really nothing else to prepare for.

“No-one needs to be stockpiling food or fuel, nothing like that.

“If anything, employers need to just be aware that there may be a few more sick days than usual, but nothing needs to be shut down.”

Meanwhile, County Antrim-based Randox Health is one of a number of companies worldwide to develop a diagnostic test for coronavirus.

Details & credit https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-51661571

HSE DIRECTOR PAUL Reid has said that the HSE has bought 700,000 gowns, 1.7 million gloves, over 1 million masks, and 400,000 glove and mask protections.

In the last three days alone, the HSE has received 2,000 queries to the HSE Live calls, and 300 of those queries were followed up by the HSE team.

A further 600-700 people have contacted their public health provider about concerns that they have Covid-19 since early January, in over cases it was deemed necessary to carry out 100 tests. Of the 100 plus tests carried out so far, no positive cases have been confirmed.

Since the outbreak of cases in Italy over the weekend, the advice for what to do if you suspect you have Covid-19 has changed.

If someone meets the criteria for getting tested for Covid-19 – someone who has been to an affected reason and are experiencing symptoms – they would call their GP who would confirm that they need to be tested.

Before the Italy outbreak, that person would be transported to hospital by ambulance – this has changed now, as people need to make their own way to the hospital.

“If you’re getting one suspect case in a week or a day then an ambulance is fine, but as the definition of affected areas has changed, we’ve seen peaks in activity after the definition changed to mainland China, after the situation in Italy

Details & credit https://www.thejournal.ie/covid-19-update-5024744-Feb2020/