Hong Kong Girl in Ireland

2月23日 武漢肺炎 愛爾蘭 重點綜合報導 23 Feb 2020 Coronavirus in Ireland news summary

coronavirus news , Image credit https://www.belfastlive.co.uk/news/health/coronavirus-northern-ireland-helpline-set-17722547

感恩沒什麼新聞, 所以把一些之前遺漏的資料寫出來給大家參考


在北愛爾蘭已對許多人進行了測試, 包括嬰兒在內的,沒有人被感染。



在過去的兩星期曾經去過中國,泰國,日本,韓國,香港,台灣,新加坡,馬來西亞和澳門的北愛爾蘭人士都可以致電0300 200 7885獲得有關該病毒的建議。

Health bosses have launched a Coronavirus helpline for Northern Ireland people who have travelled to affected regions.

A number of people, including a baby, have been tested in NI none were infected.

A spokesperson for Northern Ireland’s Public Health Agency said: “We are not providing a running commentary on numbers of suspected cases in Northern Ireland.

While no cases of “novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) have been diagnosed in Northern Ireland” health bosses said they will confirm it publicly “should a case be diagnosed”.

Anyone from NI who has been to China, Thailand, Japan, Republic of Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and Macau in the past two weeks can get advice on the virus by calling 0300 200 7885.

Details & credit  https://www.belfastlive.co.uk/news/health/coronavirus-northern-ireland-helpline-set-17722547