愛爾蘭美食 愛爾蘭貝禮詩奶酒 Irish Food Baileys Irish Cream
愛爾蘭美食 愛爾蘭貝禮詩奶酒 Irish Food Baileys Irish Cream
貝禮詩奶酒 Baileys Irish Cream,港澳又稱「百利愛爾蘭奶油力嬌酒」是一款以愛爾蘭威士忌為基酒的奶油利口酒, 愛爾蘭公司 Gilbeys 於 1971 年開始研製 1974年在都柏林生產,首次將愛爾蘭奶油利口酒推向市場。貝禮詩奶酒可以單獨飲用,也可以加冰塊飲用或作為雞尾酒的配料。也可以將貝禮詩奶酒作為咖啡中奶油或糖的替代。 ( Wikipedia 資料)
都柏林的 Baileys 甜品
Baileys Cheesecake 蛋糕推介
1. Queen of Tarts Dame Street
Address: Cork Hill, Dame St, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Sunday | 9a.m.–7p.m. |
Monday | 8a.m.–7p.m. |
Tuesday | 8a.m.–7p.m. |
Wednesday | 8a.m.–7p.m. |
Thursday | 8a.m.–7p.m. |
Friday | 8a.m.–7p.m. |
Saturday | 8:30a.m.–7p.m. |
Queen of Tarts Cow’s Lane
Address: Cow’s Ln, Dame St, Temple Bar, Dublin
Sunday | 9a.m.–7p.m. |
Monday | 8a.m.–6p.m. |
Tuesday | 8a.m.–6p.m. |
Wednesday | 8a.m.–6p.m. |
Thursday | 8a.m.–7p.m. |
Friday | 8a.m.–7p.m. |
Saturday | 9a.m.–7p.m. |
This photo of Queen of Tarts is courtesy of Tripadvisor
2. The Old Stand Pub
MON – THU: 10.30 – 23.30
FRI – SAT: 10.30 – 00.30
SUN: 11.00 – 23.00
37 Exchequer St, Dublin 2. Ireland. D02 F251
T: +353 1 677 7220
除了甜品外, Baileys 也出了巧克力, 適合喜歡 Baileys 的朋友, 而適逢情人節, 也是送禮好選擇!
The Ultimate Baileys Chocolate Hamper – Includes Chocolate Selection Box, Truffles, Mini Delights, Salted Caramel & Truffle Chocolate
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