愛爾蘭聖誕節聖誕大餐精選 Christmas in Ireland Christmas Day Dinner in Dublin
聖誕日 12月25日 大部分商店,餐廳都會休息,大部分人會在家中自煮大餐!但假如你想出外吃,還是有以下選擇:
Check out which hotels or restaurants you can book for a Christmas dinner on Christmas Day. (While like all business are closed, these are the places that opens)
The Merrion Hotel
lunch or dinner, €215 per person, contact 01 603 0600
The Shelburne Hotel
Overnight Christmas escape,Rates start at €480.00 per person per night, contact 01 663 4500.
Radisson Blue Royal Hotel
a five course sit-down Christmas lunch or a four-course buffet dinner,contact 01-898 2900
Ballsbridge Hotel
overnight package, cost is €158 per person , contact 016379300
Feature image credit https://m.facebook.com/theshelbournedublin/