Hong Kong Girl in Ireland

愛爾蘭美食炸魚薯條 Best Fish and Chips in Ireland

愛爾蘭美食炸魚薯條 Best Fish and Chips in Ireland, Image credit https://www.rte.ie/lifestyle/recipes/2011/0921/748081-traditional-fish-chips-with-mushy-peas-tartar-sauce/

愛爾蘭美食炸魚薯條 Best Fish and Chips in Ireland , 繼續為大家介紹愛爾蘭美食, 這個炸魚薯條Fish and Chips不只愛爾蘭流行, 其實世界各地都有這個美食, 尤其是英國, 可算是國家傳統食品!

愛爾蘭美食炸魚薯條 Best Fish and Chips in Ireland 介紹

愛爾蘭四面環海, 海鮮十分新鮮美味, 炸魚薯條當然亦大受歡迎。炸魚通常會用Cod (鱈魚)或Haddock (黑線鱈魚), 加上粗身炸薯條, 有時還會有青豆蓉!

看那炸魚是否好吃, 就要看炸粉造得好不好吃。因為老實說, 其實魚沒什麼魚的鮮味, 吃的是炸粉漿的味道, 如果炸粉有調味, 有加上一點啤酒, 會特別好吃!

吃炸魚薯條這些快樂食物 Comfort food, 配上汽水和啤酒, 應該很不錯吧! 另外, 這裡大家喜歡沾白醋和, 而不是我們慣用的蕃茄醬!

愛爾蘭美食炸魚薯條 Best Fish and Chips in Ireland 全國精選餐廳介紹

愛爾蘭美食炸魚薯條在全國每個大城小鎮都有, 很容易就吃到。沿海的小鎮就更容易找到了。今次除了都柏林, 也挑選共8間在愛爾蘭其他郡的餐廳, 聽說都很受當地人歡迎的, 也給住在各愛爾蘭各地的朋友參考, 也一併介紹吧!

1. McDonagh’s (高威 Galway)

地址 Address: 22 Quay St, Galway

2. Donkey Fords (利默里克 Limerick)

地址 Address: John’s, 22 John’s St, Limerick

3. Beshoff Bros (都柏林 Dublin)

地址 Address: 12 Harbour Rd, Howth, Co. Dublin

4. Leo Burdock (都柏林 Dublin)

地址 Address: 2 Werburgh St, Christchurch, Dublin 8

5. Jackie Lennox Chipper (科克 Cork)

地址 Address: 137 Bandon Rd, The Lough, Cork

6. Saltee Chipper (韋克斯福德 Wexford)

地址 Address: Crossfarnoge, Co. Wexford

7. Reel Dingle Fish (凱里 Kerry)

地址 Address: Bridge St, Dingle, Co. Kerry

8. John Long’s (北愛爾蘭 Northern Ireland)

地址 Address: 39 Athol St, Belfast BT12 4GX, UK

大家有吃過平民化又好吃的炸魚薯條 Fish and Chips 嗎? 有到過這幾家小吃店嗎? 或者有更好的推介, 歡迎分享呀!


Fish and chips is so popular in Ireland, UK and many English-speaking countries, like Australia and New Zealand. It is a very popular take away food. It consists of deep fried battered fish and hot potato chips.

Fish and chips first appeared in the 1860s; by 1910 there were more than 25,000 fish and chip shops across the UK, and by the 1930s there were over 35,000. Reference https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fish_and_chips





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