Covid-19 愛爾蘭政府確認公共交通工具上的乘客必須遮蓋面部 Face coverings will be mandatory for passengers on public transport

政府只是在最後一個小時左右才決定採取這一步驟。根據交通運輸,旅遊和體育部長的建議,我們現在打算根據緊急衛生條例, 向前邁進一步….讓公共交通上乘客必須強制佩戴口罩。”衛生部長西蒙·哈里斯(Simon Harris)說。
哈里斯說:“毫無疑問, 不管他們住在本國的哪個地方 , 下週將是人們聚會的一周……”哈里斯說:“增加移動,增加互動,正如我們的首席醫療官所說,這樣做會增加風險。”
“Government has only decided in the last hour or so to take this step. On the recommendation of the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, we now intend to move forward under the emergency health regulations… to make the wearing of face coverings mandatory on public transport,” Health Minister Simon Harris said.
“There will by the virtue of it being a law and mandatory, there will be sanctioning but I’m not yet in a position to detail how some of those issues around enforcement or sanction will work.
“My department will be taking instruction from the Department of Transport in terms of how they see this working.”
The National Public Health Emergency Team recommended that from Phase 2 face coverings should be used while on public transport or in busy locations such as supermarkets.
That advice came after weeks of the chief medical officer and Cabinet ministers suggesting that there wasn’t enough evidence around the effectiveness of face masks and coverings as a tool to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Since then, the Irish government has begun a media campaign to encourage a greater uptake among the Irish public.
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